Is it just me, or do you find yourself inexplicably,overwhelmingly sad during Fashion Week? Like you are so inundated with information, pictures, imagery, that you are almost exhausted with fashIon? YOu are inspired, to be sure, but you're almost nauseous at the site of another thing you have to get caught up on; it's like Finals period for really, really big Fashion geeks like myself. Cramming won't do you any good; long-hours committed to the archives are pointless...just relax, ask for an extension, and keep working. I mean, that was my pathos in school, at least.
Well, oddly I am sad right now. Probably because I'm wasn't there (Paris, that is), but y'know, minor details. The collections were dazzling, the folks were beautiful, my pants are wet. But I'm unfocused, I don't know where to start. Maybe Isabel (Marant)? No, she's not Dior, she's not Lanvin, or Balmain, but you couldn't tell a fashion editor otherwise. A beast, the designer to the too-cool-for-school brigade, "Izzie" sent a pretty amazing collection down the runway. The little skirts toughened up by the hardness of the suede booties, the tonal palette, the amazingly tailored pants. Yum. Annnnddddd, her first stateside shop is hitting Soho in Feb. 2010. I offer up my services as "ambassador to the brand"....
But back to the shows: Lanvin was luscious, while everyone was confused by Margiela. I mean, real talk, I was much more focused on Rihanna's pantless look at Vivenne Westwood and her crocodile pocketbook at Dior, than the actual shows. And I guess that's where the problem lies in the fashion world today, no? We're kinda getting away from why we're all gathered here. Ooops! Save for Alexander (McQueen): he knew why, and refused celeb guests. Leave it to the British.... I actually read a really great interview with McQueen in British Vogue recently, and he was discussing his beginnings. He explained he had a strong intent on evoking some kind of reaction from the fashion world, and really transforming fashion shows when he began. It worked.

Speaking of British Vogue, I recently saw "September Issue" and was completely floored and charmed by Creative Director, Grace Coddington. What a damn delight! What an artist! The documentary was really a beautiful and an enlivening experience, shedding light on the editing process and how fashion has changed into this constant battle between business vs. art. Valentino's "Last Emperor" was a great example of such, and had a similar effect on me: the world of fashion is intoxicating but as its cultural influence has grown, the limits and restraints on it as an art form have not. Anna Wintour is a businesswoman, plain and simple. She always keeps the magazine as her main focus ($$), how the public approaches it, so she cuts corners, writes over people's ideas, nixes shoots; Grace is much more interested in beauty realized...no matter its excesses. I think it's a powerful balance. Even if Vogue falls flat these days...

So back to Fashion Week? Still sad. Need more clothes. Ugh, but damn don't these b*tches look fly?! I work near Phillip Lim in Soho, and it actually breaks my heart to walk by their window every morning. Toooo much beauty. But I love how I keep running into Phillip randomly...on Broome street one evening...outside his store another, us sharing a cigarette together...I think we could make magic together. I need this button down with a spiked collar by him for, like, life. Maybe I'll fit this into our next convo somehow?...
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