My mother and I have an implicit agreement that in a few years, simply put, her Hermes scarves are mine! I had the contractual agreement drawn up a few years ago over a mother-daughter brunch, and it's as good as legal. At least in my eyes. So after reading ELLE's, "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down" spread, I was chomping at the bit for my mother's collection! ELLE's Style director, Joe Zee, gathered 16 tastemakers and opened the beloved scarf up to their interpretation. I couldn't resist Krystal Simpson's look (or maybe it was the Christian Louboutin leopard print booties and those YSL pants she was wearing?) and that of Hannah Bronfman's. Although a great concept, it didn't really manifest itself as I thought Joe was intending. Instead of the scarves, I was much more interested in the outfits the scarves were adding a slight texture to. Oh, and all these kid's cool jobs!
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